
Effective community engagement in local development plans: consultation response summary

We consulted on guidance for effective community engagement in local development planning between 24 May and 13 September 2023. The 9 consultation questions aimed to gather a broad range of public and stakeholder views on the guidance.


On 24 May 2023 we published Effective Community Engagement in Local Development Planning Guidance and accompanying partial impact assessments.

The draft guidance set out five levels of engagement that can be deployed during the key stages of preparation of a local development plan. It was prepared under Section 16C of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and aligns with the published ‘Local Development Planning Guidance’, which lists the associated regulations.

The consultation closed on 13 September. We received 59 responses from a range of stakeholders from the following stakeholder categories:

Table A

Sector Number of Respondents
Business/business representative organisation 6 (10.1%)
Community council 5 (8.5%)
Individual 13 (22.0%)
Local authority 15 (25.4%)
Membership organisation 5 (8.5%)
Public body 5 (8.5%)
Third sector organisation 10 (16.9%)
Total 59

Nine consultation questions were asked in the consultation. Completion of all questions was not necessary. The responses have informed the preparation of the final impact assessments and the finalised guidance.

Meetings held about the draft guidance, particularly in relation to the associated impact assessments, are not considered within this report. The outcomes of those meetings have informed and are reported in the final Impact assessments

The consultation hub received 49 responses. A further 10 responses were received by e-mail. Responses have been published on the Scottish Government’s consultation hub, Citizen Space, where permission to do so has been given.



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