Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods: planning guidance

The guidance on local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods aims to encourage, promote and facilitate the application of the Place Principle and create connected and compact neighbourhoods which prioritise environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Annex A – Useful resources


Website link

Our Place website


The Place Standard tool and additional resources


The Place Standard tool – Design Version


The Place Standard tool – Children and Young People's versions


The Place Standard tool with Climate Lens


The Place Standard tool inclusive communications toolkit


Rural Scotland Key Facts 2021


Planning for Place programme at the Improvement Service

Planning for Place Programme | Improvement Service

Planning for Place programme at the Improvement Service; supports local authorities apply the place principle and collaborate on place based approaches.

The Alliance Health and Social Care Academy

Exploring Scotland's 20-minute neighbourhoods

The Alliance Health and Social Care Academy has worked closely with the Mobile Access Committee Scotland (MACS) and Disability Equality Scotland and with partners to publish a report on Scotland's 20 minute neighbourhoods. This report examined the benefits and challenges of a 20 minute neighborhood through the lens of inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility.

Living Well Locally, 20 minute communities in the Highlands and Islands

20 Minute Neighbourhoods in the Highlands and Islands – commissioned by HITRANS and Sustrans, explores what 20 minute neighbourhoods could look like in a rural and island context.

Glasgow Liveable Neighbourhoods

Liveable Neighbourhoods - Glasgow City Council

Mobility Hubs

Strategic Transport Projects Review 2


Document > Mobility hubs guidance (como.org.uk)

Delivering the Place Principle in mixed-use development

Investing in our Place – Delivering the Place Principle in mixed-use development: Report commissioned by Scottish Enterprise (February 2023)

SURF (Scotland's Urban Regeneration Forum)

People in Place Practice Network - SURF

Understanding Scotland's Places

Understanding Scotland's Places – a tool that can help communities better understand the towns they live and work in.

SCDC – Scottish Community Development Centre

SCDC - We believe communities matter – Charity recognised as the national lead body for community development in Scotland.

Reducing car use for a healthier, fairer, and greener Scotland – Transport Scotland

reducing car use for a healthier, fairer, and greener Scotland - the Scottish Government is working towards an ambitious national target to reduce car kilometres by 20% by 2030, with means to achieve this detailed in the route map.

Town Toolkit

Town Toolkit - developed by Scotland's Towns Partnership, as a source of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to make their town centre better.

Talking About Heritage

Talking About Heritage guidance – prepared by Historic Environment Scotland to support communities as they research, identify and gain recognition for the heritage they care about. It includes a section on local place plans and other ways of sharing information about and celebrating locally important heritage.

Place Wiki

Place Value Wiki - an online resource, developed by the Place Alliance, holds the evidence to help understand the impacts of place on a range of outcomes. It can help to make the case for investing in the quality of place.

Young Placechangers Toolkit

Young Placechangers Toolkit - developed by Greenspace Scotland and Youth Scotland, aims to inspire, engage, and empower young people to engage with their places and help influence the local decision-making process.


Email: chief.planner@gov.scot

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