
Scottish Government procurement annual report: 2019

Report on the procurement activity of the Scottish Government from April 2018 to March 2019

2. Reporting Period Highlights

In the period April 2018 to March 2019:

Power of procurement

  • Scottish public sector bodies spent £1.12 billion on goods and services through our contracts to support delivery of public services.
  • Our contracts saved the public sector £148 million.

Good for businesses and their employees

  • In addition to enabling SME spend across Scotland through our national contracts, the Scottish Government’s spend with SMEs increased by 15% to £103 million with over 1,000 SMEs benefitting directly from our business.
  • Additionally, three-quarters of our 800 SME sub-contractors were based in Scotland, winning work in our supply-chain worth £44 million.
  • We paid 99% of valid invoices within ten days, getting cash into the economy as quickly as possible.
  • 93% of our suppliers with current live contracts are committed to paying at least the Real Living Wage.

Good for places and communities

  • Our contracts enabled the creation of 212 new jobs, 41 apprenticeships, 109 work placements and 96 qualifications to be achieved through training.
  • Our Warmer Homes and ICT Hardware contracts will contribute to CO2 savings of over 38,000 metric tons.

Good for society

  • We appointed six suppliers to a new Supported Business framework with an advertised value of £12 million.

Open and connected

  • We delivered our Open Government commitments to consult with civil society and publish contract documentation.



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