
Scottish Government Procurement Strategy 2017-2019

This strategy outlines our policies on how we conduct our procurement activity and the priorities we have.

2. Our vision, mission and role

Our Scottish Procurement and Commercial Directorate ( SPCD) provides a range of commercial, property, programme management and project management services within the Scottish Government and to the public sector in Scotland.

Our vision

To be the world leaders in innovative public procurement, asset management with project assurance, enabling the best outcomes for Scotland.

Our mission

Public procurement in Scotland is business friendly, socially responsible and improves public services for a prosperous, fairer and more sustainable Scotland.

Our role

We lead and deliver public procurement in Scotland at a national, central government and Scottish Government level. Our work focuses on the following key areas.

  • Delivering savings, benefits and efficiencies through procurement and contracting.
  • Facilitating procurement and commercial activities through:
    • procurement and commercial policy and advice;
    • construction procurement policy and advice;
    • property, asset and estate management advice;
    • eCommerce, and best practice tools and templates;
    • developing and supporting our staff;
    • reviewing how we manage projects; and
    • continuously aiming to improve our performance.


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