
The Scottish Government Procurement Strategy April 2024 – March 2028

The Scottish Government's procurement strategy describes how we plan to carry out our regulated procurements for the next four years.

11. Contract Profile

Public spending is a key enabler to make Scotland a better place to live, work and do business, contributing to sustainable and inclusive economic growth. We will continue to work together with the public, private and third sectors to deliver maximum value through public procurement activity.

Our website contains more information on our current collaborative agreements.

11.1 Procurement Forecast

A summary of the planned regulated procurements commencing in the next financial year can be found in Annex A of our Annual Procurement Report. We will also conduct procurements in response to events that have not yet unfolded, and which cannot be predicted at this stage. The forward plan of national and central government sector collaborative opportunities can be found online. The online Construction Pipeline Forecast Tool provides a forward look for anticipated public sector construction spend. Details of our contract awards are available on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS).

11.2 How we will Deliver Value for Money

In delivering the vision set out in the Programme for Government, we are addressing the challenges and emerging issues resulting from the ongoing budget constraints. It is vital therefore that public bodies understand and mitigate risks and continue to think commercially, spend wisely and deliver real value for money. We aim to achieve this by:

  • working closely with the people who use the goods, services and works we buy, to help understand their requirements;
  • understanding current and evolving markets;
  • awarding contracts on the basis of fair, open and transparent competition which is relevant and proportionate to the contract being tendered; and
  • making sure that our contracts are effective and managed efficiently.

In line with procurement legislation and our guidance, contracts are awarded on the basis of the Most Economically Advantageous Tender, ensuring the process considers quality and sustainability as well as price.



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