
The Scottish Government Procurement Strategy April 2024 – March 2028

The Scottish Government's procurement strategy describes how we plan to carry out our regulated procurements for the next four years.

4. The Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate (SPPD)

The Scottish Government is responsible for developing public procurement policy and legislation in Scotland and, like all public bodies, its own procurement activity. These functions are managed through the Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate.

The directorate is made up of six divisions which provide a range of commercial and property services. Our role is to lead and deliver public procurement in Scotland at national, central government and Scottish Government levels.

We deliver a best-in-class Procurement and Property Service to:

  • maximise impact and leverage for economic, social and environmental benefit;
  • deliver operational excellence;
  • use our leadership and influence across the Scottish public sector.

More information on SPPD.

Procurement Services Division (PSD)

Provide a range of purchasing and contract management support services to Scottish Government core directorates. Deliver leadership and policy implementation as the Central Government Centre of Procurement Expertise. Provide a range of shared services to the central government sector. Support policy and the implementation of social care procurement and market shaping.

Property and Construction Division (PCD)

Lead, enable and deliver the best public sector property and construction procurement policy for Scotland, transforming, innovating and enhancing the work of procurement professionals and the stewardship of Scottish Ministers’ property.

National Collaborative Procurement Division (NCPD)

Place national agreement contracts for the whole of the Scottish public sector including the central government sector. Also work on digital projects through the Digital Commercial Service team and lead work on procurement of innovation.

Procurement and Commercial Policy and Strategy (PCPS)

Develop and advise on progressive and sustainable procurement policy and legislation for Scotland, maximising the impact of our profession on economic, social and climaterelated outcomes. Set Scotland’s procurement, commercial and project delivery standards, driving capability programmes to create, develop and retain the talent we need today and tomorrow.

eProcurement and Best Practice Division (ePBPD)

Facilitate leadership of public procurement in Scotland, managing the national eProcurement Best Practice and Procurement Management Information shared services and embed purchase-to-pay controls, governance and assurance.

Directorate Business Management Unit (DBMU)

Deliver and improve cross-directorate efficiency and effectiveness, consolidating a number of functions, including strategy and planning, communications, audit and risk, governance, metrics and reporting, and financial management.



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