
Race recruitment and retention - an instigation for change: action plan

Our race recruitment and retention action plan details the action we will take to deliver our vision to be a world-leading diverse employer where racial equality is achieved. The Plan’s anti-racist approach covers five priorities to redistribute power and foster cultural change.

Capability Building

Supporting people to identify and develop their capabilities and apply what they learn to their work and prioritising Scottish Government’s business must be a high strategic priority.

Building capability is vital to establish a sense of collective ownership. It is a key engagement platform to delivering all aspects of the Plan and is a robust way of equipping employees to hold leaders and other people accountable. We will provide employees with opportunities to develop their confidence, knowledge and skills, equipped with the right tools to challenge and take effective action.

Equipping our work force is the core focus of the first two years of the Plan as it underpins the successful delivery of every priority in the Plan. We have to take the time to get this right and to raise the capability of leaders, managers, those creating people policy and individuals on what it means to be inclusive, the impact of negative behaviours, how to ensure fairness in decision-making and the need to consider all of these as essential in creating a diverse, inclusive culture.



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