
Race recruitment and retention - an instigation for change: action plan

Our race recruitment and retention action plan details the action we will take to deliver our vision to be a world-leading diverse employer where racial equality is achieved. The Plan’s anti-racist approach covers five priorities to redistribute power and foster cultural change.

Executive Summary

The Scottish Government Race Recruitment and Retention Action Plan sets out the action we will take to deliver on our vision to be a world-leading diverse and inclusive employer, where racial equality is achieved. 

It was developed in partnership with the Council of Scottish Government Unions and in collaboration with our Race Equality Network and external race-focused organisations. Most importantly, at the heart of the Plan are the voices and views of minority ethnic employees in Scottish Government, who have the right to flourish in our organisation and to be valued because of the diverse experiences, backgrounds and views they bring which enrich our organisation and improve our performance. 

The Plan is built around five priorities focused on the whole system, aiming to redistribute power and bring about cultural change. 

Key Priority 1: Embedding Responsibility and Accountability

Outcome: There is ownership of the plan at individual, corporate and leadership levels, and people are taking effective action to implement the Race Recruitment and Retention Action Plan.

Key Priority 2: Leadership, Governance and Decision Making

Outcome: Senior leaders take the lead and champion the Race Recruitment and Retention Action Plan incorporating an equity lens in all leadership and people-related policies, processes and decision they make.

Key Priority 3: Recruitment and Representation

Outcome: Minority ethnic employees are represented at all levels and in all areas, particularly within senior levels and management structures.

Key Priority 4: Career progression and promotion

Outcome: Minority ethnic employees experience equality of opportunity and are optimistic about being able to fulfil their potential in SG.

Key Priority 5: Building an anti-racist culture

Outcome: Our workplace culture is inclusive, collaborative, accountable and enables the skills, talent, experiences and diversity of our minority ethnic employees to flourish.



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