
Race recruitment and retention - an instigation for change: action plan

Our race recruitment and retention action plan details the action we will take to deliver our vision to be a world-leading diverse employer where racial equality is achieved. The Plan’s anti-racist approach covers five priorities to redistribute power and foster cultural change.


Both quantitative and qualitative internal evidence was gathered from SG employees during summer 2020 through:

  • A Diversity and Inclusion survey which was completed by 1,130 respondents. It gathered general evidence of employee experience, perceptions and impact relating to D&I in SG and was analysed by diversity; and specific questions around action to advance race equality and evidence of impact. 
  • Nine online focus group discussions, attended by over 100 employees across minority ethnic employees, all staff, line managers and the Race Equality Network. The focus groups explored themes relating to power and institutional racism. 
  • Analysis of existing SG data, gathered from our electronic hr system (e-HR), People Survey, and other available sources.
  • Desk reviews: 
    • Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review.
    • Addressing the barriers to Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Employee Career progression to the top (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)
    • Poverty and Ethnicity in the Labour Market (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
    • Still Not Visible – Research on Black and Minority ethnic women’s experiences of employment in Scotland (Close The Gap)
    • A review of poverty and ethnicity in Scotland (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)

The development of the Plan was guided by stakeholder engagement through the establishment of a Critical Friends group with representatives drawn from our Race Equality Network; the Council of Scottish Government Unions; Equality Unit and Fair Work; and external organisations (Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Organisation and Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights). The group’s purpose was to offer a space to test ideas and to provide constructive challenge to ensure the development of a progressive plan with an anti-racist approach.



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