
Scottish Government records management plan

Sets out the Scottish Government records management plan, policy and retention schedules as well as plans to digitise our records.

Element 11: Audit trail: Tracking and version control

The location of records is known and changes recorded.

The Keeper will expect an authority's RMP to provide evidence that the authority maintains a complete and accurate representation of all changes that occur in relation to a particular record. For the purpose of this plan 'changes' can be taken to include movement of a record even if the information content is unaffected. Audit trail information must be kept for at least as long as the record to which it relates.

This audit trail can be held separately from or as an integral part of the record. It may be generated automatically, or it may be created manually.

Best Practice might include:

  • When a physical record is removed from storage, its location is known.
  • Records of physical record movements are made and retained.
  • Version control is in place.
  • Logs of digital record movements and amendments are maintained and are available.

Read further explanation and guidance about element 11.

Scottish Government Statement

The eRDM system provides an audit trail which evidences when a specific user has viewed, modified or deleted any information held in eRDM.

Paper records are identified within the Legacy Paper File database. The database tracks the movement (including those passed to NRS for permanent preservation) and destruction of files. As mentioned previously we are in the progress of digitising our legacy paper records which will allow us to capture them in eRDM. This will ease access to files and vastly reduce the storage space required to hold our legacy material prior to its destruction/transfer to National Records of Scotland in line with the arrangements in our Records Management Plan.


E11: SG iTECS-NRS Service Level Agreement

E29: SG Audit Trail

E34: Extract from Legacy Paper Filing system

Further Development

No further development is required at the moment but we will keep this under review.



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