
Scottish Government records management plan

Sets out the Scottish Government records management plan, policy and retention schedules as well as plans to digitise our records.

Element 12: Records management training for staff

Staff creating, or otherwise processing records, are appropriately trained and supported.

The RMP must be adhered to by all staff in an authority. The Keeper will expect an authority's RMP to detail how the day-to-day operation of activities described in the elements in the authority's RMP are explained to the staff who will be required to carry them out. It is important that authorities recognise that records management processes are likely to be implemented by staff in various roles and business areas out-with the immediate information governance officers. These staff members must be trained and supported accordingly. Guidance should be made available.

The level of training required by staff will vary considerably depending on their role.

Staff processing personal data will require particular training in the handling of those categories of record.

It is important that there is a mechanism in an authority that will allow staff to be alerted to changes in records management procedure.

Best Practice might include:

  • The authority is responsible for identifying the skills and training required for staff engaged in records processing.
  • Staff across the authority engaged in records processing activities are given regular training and development so that they understand their records management responsibilities.
  • The operation of the authority's records management processes should be included at induction.
  • Staff engaged in activities that include records with personal data are trained so that they understand their responsibilities under data protection law.
  • Any professional record-keeping staff are supported to maintain involvement in Continuous Professional Development schemes.
  • Training for staff who use records is refreshed periodically.
  • A record is made of staff who have completed records management training.

Read further explanation and guidance about element 12.

Scottish Government Statement

Core competencies, key knowledge and skills required by staff with responsibilities for Records Management have been clearly defined within the Records Management Competency Framework. This ensures that staff understand their roles and responsibilities and can offer expert advice and guidance. The framework has identified that the Corporate Records Manager will be professionally qualified in information/records management or working towards such a professional qualification. We will also endeavour to have all staff in our Records Management team undertake appropriate records management courses to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the subject.

On an annual basis staff must complete the "Responsible for Information – General User'" and "Data Protection" e-learning courses and obtain a pass mark.

eRDM Training is mandatory for all staff before they get access to the system. Non completion of training means no access to the system.

E25: Managing Information

E30: Records Management Competency Framework

E32: eRDM Browser - Functionality handbook

Identify appropriate training for all members of the Records Management team and arrange attendance at training courses.

We have introduced more content relating to the Public Records (Scotland) Act into the training and guidance we supply to SG colleagues. We will look to continue to develop this material going forward.



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