
Scottish Government records management plan

Sets out the Scottish Government records management plan, policy and retention schedules as well as plans to digitise our records.

Element 13: Assessment and review

Records Management arrangements are regularly and systematically reviewed with actions taken when required.

Section 1(5)(i)(a) of the Act says that an authority must keep its RMP under review.

An authority's RMP must describe the procedures in place to regularly review it in the future.

It is important that an authority's RMP is regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains fit for purpose. It is therefore vital that a mechanism exists for this to happen automatically as part of an authority's internal records management processes.

A statement to support the authority's commitment to keep its RMP under review must appear in the RMP detailing how it will accomplish this task.

Best Practice might include:

  • The authority's procedure for assessing and reviewing its records management plan are recorded within the RMP.
  • Timely and effective actions are taken to address issues raised by the review.
  • The authority reports regularly to the person named at element 1 on progress/review of its RMP.
  • The authority can explain the following to the Keeper: When the review is scheduled, who is responsible for carrying out the review, the methodology that will be used and how the results of the review will be reported up through the authority's governance structure.

Read further explanation and guidance about element 13.

Scottish Government Statement

Each of the policies and procedures produced in line with the requirements of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 have been created in consultation with colleagues across the organisation.

Each policy has been reviewed in detail in order to ensure compliance with all business and legal obligations.

The Corporate Records Manager will be responsible for overseeing the Records Management Plan and making sure that the supporting documentation is kept up to date. They will update content that falls under their responsibility or ask the relevant business area to update content owned by other business areas.

We are committed to completing the Records Management Plan Progress Update Review on an annual basis (excluding years we are required to re-submit our Records Management Plan to the Keeper of the Records for approval). The outcome of these reviews will be reported to the iTECS Senior Leadership Team and the Senior Information Risk Owner in order that they are aware of progress which has been made and weaknesses that require to be addressed.


E66: Scottish Government Assessment and Review Process

E75: Progress Update Review 2019

Further Development

All policies and procedures will be reviewed annually to ensure the Records Management Plan is kept up to date.

The Records Management Plan will also be reviewed if we replace or upgrade the eRDM system which has been installed within Scottish Government.



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