
Scottish Government records management plan

Sets out the Scottish Government records management plan, policy and retention schedules as well as plans to digitise our records.

Element 2: Records manager responsibility:

An individual staff member is identified as holding operational responsibility for records management and has appropriate corporate responsibility, access to resources and skills.

Section 1(2)(a)(ii) of the Act specifically requires a RMP to identify the individual responsible for ensuring the authority complies with its plan.

An authority's RMP must name and provide the job title of the person responsible for the day-to-day operation of activities described in the elements in the authority's RMP. This person should be the Keeper's initial point of contact for records management issues.

It is essential that an individual has overall day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of an authority's RMP. There may already be a designated person who carries out this role. If not, the authority will need to make an appointment. As with element 1 above, the RMP must name an individual rather than simply a job title.

A competency framework outlining what the authority considers are the vital skills and experiences needed to carry out the task is an important part of any records management system. If the authority appoints a non-records professional member of staff to undertake this task, a framework which allows the authority to develop a training programme for that person will be essential.

It should be noted that staff changes will not invalidate any submitted plan provided that all records management responsibilities are transferred to the incoming post holder and relevant training is undertaken.

This individual might not work directly for the scheduled authority. It is possible that an authority may contract out their records management service. If this is the case an authority may not be in a position to provide the name of those responsible for the day-to-day operation of this element. The authority must give details of the arrangements in place and name the body appointed to carry out the records management function on its behalf.

It may be the case that an authority's records management programme has been developed by a third party. It is the person operating the programme on a day-to-day basis whose name should be submitted.

Best Practice might include:

  • Records manager responsibility is recorded in both the RMP and the RM Policy statement (see element 3).
  • Evidence can be supplied that the individual identified as having responsibility for the implementation of the RMP can access the relevant training as appropriate. This may take the form of an agreed Personal Development Plan.
  • The post-holder is named in the RMP and confirmed in each report to the Keeper (see element 13).
  • The Keeper is promptly advised of any change in post-holder.
  • The post-holder should satisfy themselves that they understand their responsibilities (see element 12).

Read further explanation and guidance about element 2.

Scottish Government Statement

Our existing records management policies have Craig Sclater (Scottish Government Corporate Records Manager) as having day to day operational responsibility for records management. Craig reports to Pauline Travers, Head of Information Services Operations.

Overall responsibility for Records Management sits with our Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO) Lesley Fraser.


E01: Records Management Policy

Further Development

No additional actions have been identified in relation to Records Manager responsibility.



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