
Scottish Government Records Management Plan Progress Update Review

The Progress Update Review is a voluntary annual process which enables the Scottish Government to get feedback from National Records of Scotland on the progress we are making with managing our records and the improvements we are implementing on our published Records Management Plan.

7. The Public Records (Scotland) Act Assessment Team'sSummary


The progress update submission which has been assessed is the one received by the Assessment Team on 25th August 2023. The progress update was submitted by Craig Sclater, Corporate Records Manager.

The progress update submission makes it clear that it is a submission for Scottish Government (SG).

The Assessment Team has reviewed Scottish Government's Progress Update submission and agrees that the proper record management arrangements outlined by the various elements in the authority's plan continue to be properly considered. The Assessment Team commends this authority's efforts to keep its Records Management Plan under review.

General Comments

Scottish Government(SG) continues to take its records management obligations seriously and is working to bring all elements into full compliance.

Section 5(2) of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 provides the Keeper of the Records of Scotland (the Keeper) with authority to revisit an agreed plan only after five years has elapsed since the date of agreement. Section 5(6) allows authorities to revise their agreed plan at any time and resubmit this for the Keeper's agreement. The Act does not require authorities to provide regular updates against progress. The Keeper, however, encourages such updates.

The Keeper cannot change the status of elements formally agreed under a voluntary submission, but he can use such submissions to indicate how he might now regard this status should the authority choose to resubmit its plan under section (5)(6) of the Act.



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