Scottish Government Response to 'Carers Legislation - Consultation on Proposals - January 2014'

On 22 January 2014 the Scottish Government launched 'Carers Legislation - Consultation on Proposals'. The consultation ran for 12 weeks and closed on 16 April 2014.

The Scottish Government response

The Scottish Government is grateful for the time that carers, young carers, other individuals, and organisations have taken to consider the consultation proposals and submit responses.

In total, 165 written responses were received,[2] 32 from individuals and 133 from organisations. In addition, 513 respondents submitted their response using a template produced and distributed by the Coalition of Carers in Scotland (COCIS), and 909 responses were received through a campaign based on a questionnaire distributed by the Scottish Youth Parliament.

A series of 16 consultation events were also held across the country to ensure a wide representation of views from carers, young carers, public bodies and the third sector. Scottish Government officials also continued to engage with partners to help inform the development of the Bill.

Scottish Ministers have carefully considered all the views expressed throughout the consultation period. Overall, respondents were broadly positive about the proposals, and the Scottish Government will proceed with the introduction of a Carers Bill to the Scottish Parliament.

Views for further proposals that we did not consult on were also submitted, and a number of issues were raised during the consultation period. These are addressed in this response.


Email: Alun Ellis

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