
The Scottish Government Response to the 'Consultation on the Draft Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 & 18 (Section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014'

Government response to the analysis report of the responses to the guidance consultation, including an update on current work around engagement and implementation progress and next steps on the run up to commencement of the provisions in August 2016.

7 Conclusion and Next Steps

7.1 Working collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders, groups and organisations in revising the guidance, the version to be issued in November will address the issues raised and provide a clear framework for implementation.

7.2 Following the passage of secondary legislation through Parliament in January 2016, the final version of the statutory guidance will be published in spring 2016. The Scottish Government will continue to support the public bodies and organisations who will have responsibility for implementing the GIRFEC provisions of the Act as we move to commencement. The development of practice materials will be on-going in partnership with a full range of stakeholders and made available through the Knowledge Hub and other national forums.


Email: Carole Campariol-Scott

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