
Job Grant consultation: response

Scottish Government response to points raised in the consultation on Job Grant, a new benefit to support young people moving into employment.

Ministerial Foreword

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People

As Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People I was pleased to launch in January the consultation on the proposed Job Grant which will help young people with the costs associated with starting work. When I did so I noted how difficult it is for some young people to make the transition into employment. Experiencing sustained periods of unemployment at a young age can have a negative impact not only on a young person's future earnings and employment potential but also on their wellbeing.

I am pleased, therefore, that so many people took the time to respond to the consultation. This document explains the changes that have been made to our policy as a result of the views and feedback we received during the consultation period. While those changes will not, of course, meet the wishes of everyone who responded, they will ensure that it will be easier for young people to meet the eligibility criteria, to apply for and to receive the payment. That will hopefully help create a Scotland where as many young people as possible have the opportunity to participate and flourish in the workplace.

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP
Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People



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