
Independent Review into the Delivery of Forensic Mental Health Services: Scottish Government response

Formal Scottish Government response to the Independent Review into the Delivery of Forensic Mental Health Services, and should be read in conjunction with the final report of the Independent Review.

Next Steps

The work done by the Independent Review to understand and describe the delivery of forensic mental health services from a range of perspectives make its findings and recommendations invaluable. The Independent Review highlights specific areas for change and identifies where provision can be developed and improved. It provides a strong foundation for working toward a forensic mental health system that delivers for today and for the future as the health and social care landscape changes.

A short life working group to consider the options for a new governance, planning and collaboration approach for Forensic Mental Health Services in Scotland will first meet in November 2021.

The short life working group will not aim to revisit the work done by the Independent Review. Instead they will use the contributions from that broad range of perspectives, including from those with lived experience, contained within the published reports to consider how best to set an approach to achieve the strategic change needed to address and implement the findings and recommendations of the Independent Review.

The work of this group will not seek to unnecessarily delay work to implement other recommendations and operational decisions and service developments need not wait for the outcome of the work of the group. Arrangements for an interim high secure facility for women to be opened at the State Hospital site at Carstairs will be taken forward with a view to providing this service in Scotland from 2022.

The Scottish Government is committed to working in partnership to design and deliver the programme of work and to adopt a collaborative, inclusive approach to develop solutions and to deliver improvement and reform. A programme plan will be developed and shared with detail on timescales, interdependencies and priorities for change.

The Scottish Government will look to bring forensic mental health services together with other partners in a way that delivers improvement for patients, families, carers, clinicians and the public. We recognise the dedication of the people who have contributed their thoughts, insights and experience to the Independent Review and look forward to continuing to work with them to address the findings and recommendations.



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