Young Carer Grant consultation: our response

The Scottish Government's response to the Young Carer Grant consultation stakeholder responses.

3. Communication and Advice

10. The need for clear guidance for both decision makers and applicants, and for effective promotion of the YCG at all stages to maximise uptake has been highlighted during consultation and at meetings with stakeholders. Widespread training and awareness raising of YCG will also be required among partner agencies and advice and advocacy services. This will help to ensure that appropriate signposting is provided, and that applicants can access the necessary information and be suitably supported throughout the process. Ensuring that potential recipients clearly understand the application and appeals process is key.

11. An integrated communications plan for YCG is currently being developed and will be tested with users and stakeholders before being implemented across a range of targeted channels.

12. Social Security Scotland will actively engage with the advice sector to understand the impacts of YCG and identify how we can work in partnership to support clients. It will be possible for recipients of YCG to see someone face-to-face. Social Security Scotland, once fully operational, will provide a local presence where people can get one-to-one support if required.

13. Young carers will be given the option of how they want to engage with Social Security Scotland including online and by phone. As set out in the Scottish Government's consultation on Disability Assistance[4], inclusive communication will be considered in all that we do.

14. The Scottish Government adheres to Digital First Service Standards. To progress to each new stage of development, the system must pass a Digital First Assessment. These assessments ensure that the system will meet accessibility standards for people who need extra support to use our service. Accessible formats, adaptions and support will be available to ensure all eligible young carers have the opportunity to apply for the grant and the process is underpinned by dignity, fairness and respect.



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