
Scottish Government workforce information 2016

Statistics on the Scottish Government’s workforce for each quarter from 2012 up to the most recent quarter at the end of 2016.


1. Those employed on Scottish Government terms and conditions and paid via the Scottish Government payroll.

2. Only those employed in core Scottish Government Directorates, it does not include workers in Scottish Government agencies, non-ministerial departments or non-departmental public bodies.

3. Those not employed on Scottish Government terms and conditions, engaged on a temporary basis to provide short-term cover for vacancies or where skills cannot be sourced internally. For descriptions of the categories included in contingent workers please see Annex C.

4. The first quarter ends 31 st March, the second ends 30 th June, the third ends the 30 th September and the fourth ends 31 st December.

5. Information on how this is calculated can be found in Annex D.


Email: Shona Rennie

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