
Scottish Government workforce information 2016

Statistics on the Scottish Government’s workforce for each quarter from 2012 up to the most recent quarter at the end of 2016.

Annex B. Full Tme Equivalent

B 1. The full time equivalent ( FTE) measure accounts for differences in working hours within the Scottish Government, as part-time working or job-sharing is available to suit personal circumstances. The measure is given as a proportion of the number of hours worked in a week, compared to the working hours in a standard full-time working week. A full-time member of staff works 37 hours a week and is assigned a FTE value of 1. A staff member that works half the number of hours a week of a full-time member of staff (18.5 hours/week), would be assigned an FTE value of 0.5, and so forth.


Email: Shona Rennie

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