
Youth justice vision and strategy: consultation - summary report

This report summarises feedback from partners, stakeholders and children and young people on the priority areas for a new youth justice vision.


The Scottish Government's Youth Justice Strategy: Preventing offending: getting it right for children and young people ran from 2015 to 2020. In order to inform a new strategy and vision for youth justice, the Scottish Government had planned a series of engagement events with key stakeholders who worked or had an interest in the youth justice system. In light of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and challenges, the decision was made to cancel these events and move to an online approach to consultation instead. The Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ) was asked to provide a short analysis of the responses received in the online survey. In addition, a series of events and conversations were held with children and young people who have had experience of the justice system. The summary reports from both surveys are presented in this report, and full details of the methods undertaken are outlined in each separate report.



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