
Climate Change Plan: third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032 (RPP3) - summary

Overview of our Climate Change Plan 2018-2032, setting out how we will continue to drive down emissions over the period to 2032.

11. Keeping on track - Monitoring and Governance

The Climate Change Plan contains a new monitoring framework, building on previous work by the Committee on Climate Change and the Scottish Government, as well as advice from the Scottish Parliament. Details of indicators can be found in Annex A. We will continue to develop the approach as we learn from the implementation process.  

Policy output indicators: The policy output indicators measure progress against achieving policy outcomes, for example, whether the commercial and industrial emissions intensity has fallen by 30% by 2032 relative to 2015. These indicators help us determine whether implementation is on track. In some cases the indicator can be measured annually, for others qualitative data will describe progress. Instead of focusing on long-term trajectories with high levels of uncertainty, where possible we have included short-term trajectories to drive the action required now.

Policy implementation indicators: These interim indicators check the progress in policy implementation, checking progress towards delivering the ultimate policy outcome, for example, the amount of electricity generated by renewable sources in Scotland. In some cases these will be measurable quantitative indicators, in others qualitative indicators will describe progress made so far.

Annual greenhouse gas emissions statistics: The statistics state whether Scotland has met its annual emissions reduction target and are the ultimate measure of our progress towards our aim to reduce emissions. They are published 18 months after the end of the year to which they relate. Some data used in the monitoring framework will relate to the same time period but other data will relate to the 12 months directly before publication, meaning it is not currently possible to directly link the monitoring data and the statistics. 

External drivers: Policy outcomes will be achieved as a result of policies working in combination with external drivers including political, economic, technological and societal factors. External drivers will be included where relevant to provide an explanation for progress, such as relevant technological advances.

Monitoring reserved climate policies: Implementation of the Plan is reliant on a mix of international, EU, UK and Scottish policy. The monitoring framework has been designed to understand and improve the delivery of Scottish Government policy. However, where relevant it will capture the progress made under UK, EU and international policy direction. 

Governance of the Monitoring Framework

The Climate Change Plan provides for the establishment of a Governance Body. The key functions of the Governance Body will be to:

  • review monitoring information and other relevant data to assess progress against policy outcomes in the Climate Change Plan
  • provide advice to Scottish Ministers on the monitoring information, including where significant adjustments to policy might be required and how these might be made
  • contribute to an annual monitoring report for publication on the Scottish Government website

The Body will be made up of senior Scottish Government officials representing the sectors in the Plan, and non-Scottish Government representation to provide independent overview and external scrutiny.



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