
Management of burial grounds, application for burial, exhumation, private burial and restoration of lairs - regulation: consultation analysis

Analysis report of our consultation on the management of burial grounds, application for burial, exhumation, private burial and restoration of lairs in Scotland.

Analysis and Reporting

This report presents both quantitative and qualitative findings. Quantitative data were obtained from closed questions where respondents could select from predetermined choices (e.g. ‘yes/no’, ‘agree/disagree’). These data are presented in tables and charts to show the number of respondents selecting each possible answer.

Qualitative data were gathered from comments that respondents gave in response to open questions (where respondents were given free text boxes in which to respond). Unlike quantitative data, qualitative data allows for insights and understanding to be gained by looking at the detail of respondents’ answers, and is presented as descriptive text and verbatim quotes from respondents.

Data from responses received by email were entered manually into Citizen Space and, as per best practice, the accuracy of a sample of the data entry checked by a second analyst. One response was received which did not follow the consultation question format and instead provided a single, long-form answer. Where possible, relevant sections of this response were analysed alongside the consultation questions to which they appeared best related. All remaining data from this non-standard response was analysed within Question 2 (management plan).

All responses were downloaded from the Consultation Hub into a Microsoft Excel document. Data were analysed on a question by question basis except where questions linked to each other, for example when respondents were asked to give reasons for a selection in a previous question.

An analysis of responses to the consultation’s closed questions was conducted. The frequency of responses to closed questions, and distribution of these responses based on respondent employment/organisation type, are reported in tables and stacked bar charts. The number of respondents answering each question is reported. Where percentages are given these are rounded to the nearest whole number, and represent a percentage of the total respondents answering the specific question, rather than total respondents taking part in the consultation.

A thematic analysis of responses to the consultation’s open questions was conducted. This involved the qualitative data from these responses being read in detail, patterns identified, text being ‘coded’ by an analyst and themes constructed from these codes, where possible, in order to summarise the key points made by respondents and the range of views expressed, both within each question and across the consultation. Where data was limited, for example, in terms of volume or where questions asked for specific suggestions, thematic analysis was not used.

Data from the consultation responses are reported descriptively, and supported by direct, anonymised quotations from respondents (where permission was given for responses to be published). Qualitative analysis does not normally quantify results, since useful insights might come from a minority of respondents. However, to assist the reader in interpreting the report, where appropriate some quantitative figures are given or descriptions like ‘majority’ or ‘minority’ used. For example, where a clear majority or minority of respondents have answered in a similar way, some references are made to this in the description of the response data to give a sense of the weight of response. However precise frequencies or percentages are mostly avoided when reporting the qualitative data due to the subjective nature of analysing these responses.

Findings are reported in the same order they were presented within the consultation, and grouped according to their original sections:

5.1 Commencement of Part 1 of the 2016 Act

5.2 Management of burial grounds

5.3 Burial application and register

5.4 Private burial

5.5 Exhumation

5.6 Restoration of lairs

5.7 Any other comments



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