
Management of burial grounds, application for burial, exhumation, private burial and restoration of lairs - regulation: consultation analysis

Analysis report of our consultation on the management of burial grounds, application for burial, exhumation, private burial and restoration of lairs in Scotland.

Next Steps and Considerations

Following this analysis of the consultation responses, the Scottish Government will consider the proposals in its development of the draft burial regulations. The results of this analysis will also be considered in relation to the responses received to the other three public consultations which were published in parallel to the burial consultation in 2023. In addition to this and the other consultation analysis reports, the Scottish Government will also continue to draw on other sources – such as experts from the funeral sector - to inform its further development of the policy proposals for the intended burial regulations.

The Scottish Government recognises that burial regulations will introduce wide-ranging changes to the sector, and that there remain important considerations for what implications this may have on burial authorities, funeral director businesses and the public. A full set of impact assessment screenings will be undertaken – and where appropriate full impact assessments will be completed - in parallel with the development of the draft burial regulations.



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