
The Scottish Government's Digital Influence

Report into the role and functions of digital communications technologies in Scotland’s international engagement.

Appendix B: Bibliography

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Adesina, O. S., and Summers J., 2017. Foreign policy in an era of digital diplomacy, Cogent Social Sciences, 3:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2017.1297175

A Fairer, Greener Scotland: Programme for Government 2021-22, Scottish Government, 2021. Sourced from:

Arctic Connections: Scotland's Arctic policy framework, Scottish Government, 2019. Sourced from:

Bjola, C. and Zaiotti, R. eds., 2020. Digital diplomacy and international organisations: Autonomy, legitimacy and contestation. Routledge.

Bjola, C., and Holmes, M., 2015, Digital Diplomacy: Theory and Practice. Abingdon, UK, and New York: Routledge.

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Coherent foreign policy in the digital space, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, 2020. Sourced from:

Cosentino, G., 2020. Social media and the post-truth world order: the global dynamics of disinformation. Springer Nature.

Cyber-attack, SEPA, 2021. Sourced from:

Denmark at the digital forfront (sic), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 2021. Sourced from:

Digital Foreign Policy Strategy 2021–24, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, 2020. Sourced from:

Digital foreign policy, Diplo Foundation, 2021. Sourced from:

Douglas-Scott, S., European and External Relations Committee Treaties, Devolution and Brexit, 2016, Scottish Parliament. Sourced from:

Hedling, E., Bremberg, N., 2021, Practice Approaches to the Digital Transformations of Diplomacy: Toward a New Research Agenda, International Studies Review. Sourced from

Enabling digital government, Audit Scotland, 2019. Sourced from:

Europe, Scottish Government, 2021. Sourced from:

Foreign Policy Strategy 2020–23, 2020, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. Sourced from:

Franco-Scottish Links In Research, Innovation And Higher Education, University of Edinburgh Business School, Scottish Government, 2021. Sourced from:

Gilboa, E. "Digital Diplomacy." In The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy. Edited by Constantinou, C., Kerr, P., and Sharp, P., 540–552. London: SAGE, 2016. DOI: 10.4135/9781473957930.n45

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Hicks, J., 2021. Defining and Measuring Diplomatic Influence. K4D Helpdesk Report 950. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4D.2021.032

Hocking, B., and Melissen, J.. Diplomacy in the Digital Age, 2015, The Hague: Clingendael Institute.

Holmes, M., Digital Diplomacy, Oxford Bibliographies, 2020, DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199743292-0258

Holmes, M., "Digital Diplomacy and International Change Management." 2015, in Digital Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, Edited by Corneliu Bjola and Marcus Holmes, 13–32. Abingdon, UK, and New York: Routledge.

International relations, Scottish Government, 2021. Sourced from:

Ireland-Scotland Joint Bilateral Review, Report and Recommendations 2021–25, 2021, Scottish Government, Government of Ireland. Sourced from:

Johnson, M.A., 2018. Culture as soft power: Digital branding by Catalonia, the Basque Country and Scotland. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 10(1), pp.115-123.

Kurbalija, J., 2012. Ancient history of e-participation. Sourced from:

Lowy Interpreter, 2015. Does Australia do digital diplomacy? Retrieved from

Manor, I., and Segev, C. 2015. America's selfie: How the US portrays itself on its social media accounts. In C. Bjola & M. Holmes (Eds.), Digital diplomacy: Theory and practice (pp. 89–108). New York, NY: Routledge.

Michelis, D. and Stumpp, S., 2021, May. Organisieren ohne Organisationen (Clay Shirky). In Social Media Handbuch (pp. 175-190). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

New Strategy for Communication Abroad with a view to safeguarding Switzerland's interests and new FDFA sponsorship guidelines, 2020, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. Sourced from:

Office of Denmark's Tech Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 2021. Sourced from:

Road map for digital cooperation: implementation of the recommendations of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation, Director General of the United Nations, 2020. Sourced from:

Rogers, R., 2018. Digital Traces in Context | Otherwise Engaged: Social Media from Vanity Metrics to Critical Analytics. International Journal of Communication, [S.l.], v. 12, p. 23. ISSN 1932-8036. Sourced from:

Scotland is Now, VisitScotland, 2018. Sourced from:

Scotland's International Framework, Scottish Government, 2017. Sourced from:

Shephard, M., Paterson, L., 2017. The impact of social media discussion threads on public sentiment. Sourced from:

Solis, B. and Webber, A., 2012. The rise of digital influence. Altimeter Group. Sourced from:

Strategy for Denmark's Tech Diplomacy 2021-2023, 2021. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Sourced from:

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The Tech for Democracy initiative, 2021. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Sourced from:

Westcott, N., 2008. Digital Diplomacy: The Impact of the Internet on International Relations, Oxford Internet Institute, Research Report 16.

Wintour, P., 2020. Bye bye bilaterals: UN general assembly to embrace Zoom diplomacy, The Guardian. Sourced from:

Wortham, J., 2012. Digital Diary: Facebook Poke and the Tedium of Success Theater, New York Times. Sourced from:



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