
The Scottish Government's Digital Influence

Report into the role and functions of digital communications technologies in Scotland’s international engagement.


21. The methodology for this project consisted of three elements:

21.1 A desk-based literature review to map current understanding of digital influence and the user need within the Scottish Government and its agencies;

21.2 Interviews with Scottish Government staff and external stakeholders in 6 major internationally engaged Scottish public sector organisations. Interviewees were selected by DIIL from a long list following discussions with the Scottish Government. The original aim was to situate the findings from the desk-based literature review within the Scottish Government's existing best practice, internationally, and explore issues identified; and

21.3 Deliver a workshop for the Scottish Government team to share the emerging research findings and identify options for a strategic approach, including the opportunities, challenges, pros and cons, of each option.

22. The methodology was amended during the course of the project to include case studies from two comparator (similar-size) countries, Denmark and Switzerland. These case studies were developed from desk research.



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