
The Scottish Government's Medium Term Financial Strategy

This is the fourth Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) published by the Scottish Government. The MTFS provides the context for the Scottish Budget and the Scottish Parliament.

List of acronyms

4. AGER 5. Advisory Group on Economic Recovery
6. AME 7. Annually Managed Expenditure
8. BPRG 9. Budget Process Review Group
10. BGA 11. Block Grant Adjustment
12. COVID-19 13. Coronavirus Disease 2019
14. CPI 15. Consumer Price Index
16. CSR 17. Capital Spending Review
18. EU 19. European Union
20. FFFP 21. Fines, Forfeitures and Fixed Penalties
22. FT 23. Financial Transaction
24. GDP 25. Gross Domestic Product
26. HM 27. Her Majesty's
28. HMRC 29. HMT 30. Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs 31. Her Majesty's Treasury
32. IIP 33. Infrastructure Investment Plan
34. IPC 35. Indexed Per Capita
36. LBTT 37. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax
38. MSP 39. Member of the Scottish Parliament
40. MTFS 41. Medium-Term Financial Strategy
42. NDR 43. Non-Domestic Rates
44. NHS 45. National Health Service
46. NIM 47. National Investment Mission
48. NLF 49. National Loans Fund
50. NPF 51. National Performance Framework
52. NSET 53. [10-Year] National Strategy for Economic Transformation
54. NSND 55. Non-savings, and non-dividend
56. OBR 57. Office for Budget Responsibility
58. OECD 59. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
60. ONS 61. Office for National Statistics
62. PAYE 63. Pay As You Earn
64. PfG 65. Programme for Government
66. PIP 67. Personal Independence Payment
68. RPI 69. Retail Price Index
70. REP 71. Regional Economic Partnership
72. rUK 73. Rest of the United Kingdom (i.e. England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
74. SDA 75. Severe Disablement Allowance
76. SFC 77. Scottish Fiscal Commission
78. SLfT 79. Scottish Landfill Tax
80. UC 81. Universal Credit
82. UK 83. United Kingdom
84. URL 85. Universal Resource Locator
86. VAT 87. Value Added Tax
88. YOY 89. Year on Year



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