The Scottish Government's Medium Term Financial Strategy
This is the fourth Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) published by the Scottish Government. The MTFS provides the context for the Scottish Budget and the Scottish Parliament.
List of acronyms
4. AGER | 5. Advisory Group on Economic Recovery |
6. AME | 7. Annually Managed Expenditure |
8. BPRG | 9. Budget Process Review Group |
10. BGA | 11. Block Grant Adjustment |
12. COVID-19 | 13. Coronavirus Disease 2019 |
14. CPI | 15. Consumer Price Index |
16. CSR | 17. Capital Spending Review |
18. EU | 19. European Union |
20. FFFP | 21. Fines, Forfeitures and Fixed Penalties |
22. FT | 23. Financial Transaction |
24. GDP | 25. Gross Domestic Product |
26. HM | 27. Her Majesty's |
28. HMRC 29. HMT | 30. Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs 31. Her Majesty's Treasury |
32. IIP | 33. Infrastructure Investment Plan |
34. IPC | 35. Indexed Per Capita |
36. LBTT | 37. Land and Buildings Transaction Tax |
38. MSP | 39. Member of the Scottish Parliament |
40. MTFS | 41. Medium-Term Financial Strategy |
42. NDR | 43. Non-Domestic Rates |
44. NHS | 45. National Health Service |
46. NIM | 47. National Investment Mission |
48. NLF | 49. National Loans Fund |
50. NPF | 51. National Performance Framework |
52. NSET | 53. [10-Year] National Strategy for Economic Transformation |
54. NSND | 55. Non-savings, and non-dividend |
56. OBR | 57. Office for Budget Responsibility |
58. OECD | 59. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
60. ONS | 61. Office for National Statistics |
62. PAYE | 63. Pay As You Earn |
64. PfG | 65. Programme for Government |
66. PIP | 67. Personal Independence Payment |
68. RPI | 69. Retail Price Index |
70. REP | 71. Regional Economic Partnership |
72. rUK | 73. Rest of the United Kingdom (i.e. England, Wales and Northern Ireland) |
74. SDA | 75. Severe Disablement Allowance |
76. SFC | 77. Scottish Fiscal Commission |
78. SLfT | 79. Scottish Landfill Tax |
80. UC | 81. Universal Credit |
82. UK | 83. United Kingdom |
84. URL | 85. Universal Resource Locator |
86. VAT | 87. Value Added Tax |
88. YOY | 89. Year on Year |
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