
Scottish Government's Response to the National Advisory Council on Women and Girls

The Scottish Government's response to the First Minister's National Advisory Council on Women and Girls who published their report and recommendations in 2018.

What Next?

This response contains our plans for taking forward the NACWG’s recommendations in the spirit that they were made - to proactively address, on a systemic level, the change that is required to begin to undo a patriarchal system and move to a gender‑equal Scotland. 

We will move forward with all of the actions set out here and give updates as the work progresses. Bearing in mind, that this is systemic change we are making, and it will therefore take time to deliver.

Additionally, where we are not able to implement recommendations because the Scottish Parliament currently doesn’t have the power, we commit to do everything we can to make progress with the existing powers we do have.

We look forward to updating the Council on further progress at their Accountability Day on 6 November 2019, and to consider their next report focusing on the topic of ‘Policy Coherence and Gender Equality’, which we expect at the end of this year. 

Finally, we very much look forward to working with the Advisory Council and all our other partners to deliver these recommendations that will bring us closer to our ambition of a gender equal Scotland.



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