
Scottish Government's response to Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland

Response to Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland.


As we consider the educational provision made for learners with dyslexia in Scotland, it is important to acknowledge and consider the legislative, policy, and guidance context within which teachers and their partners work. Appendix 1 provides further details on this. Below are key elements in the delivery of the recommendations.

Literacy Action Plan

The Scottish Government's Literacy Action Plan, published on 27 October 2010, sets out the vision to raise standards of literacy for all, from the early years through to adulthood. There is a particular focus on breaking the link between deprivation and poor literacy skills and addressing the issue of early identification of literacy difficulties. The Plan contains a specific commitment to work with Dyslexia Scotland to promote their web-based resource for teachers for the assessment of a range of literacy difficulties and dyslexia. Other commitments include to encourage all local authorities to introduce personalised literacy assessments and diagnosis at Primary 1 and at other appropriate stages, and encourage all local authorities to put in place early identification of support needs.

Dyslexia Scotland

Dyslexia Scotland is an independent charitable organisation which supports people with dyslexia in Scotland and campaigns on their behalf. A number of its initiatives have been funded by the Scottish Government, including the online Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit

(referred to hereafter as The Toolkit). This resource was launched at the Scottish Learning Festival in September 2012 by Dr Alasdair Allan, Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland's Languages. It provides information for teachers, guiding them through the process of assessing literacy difficulties, which may be dyslexia, and gives details of relevant approaches and strategies, cross-referenced with Curriculum for Excellence. The Toolkit also has sections containing information for parents and carers, and for children and young people. It is continually updated and enhanced by a group which includes practitioners from across the country. This review set out to find out about awareness of this resource, its use and how it is impacting on meeting the needs of children and young people with dyslexia. Schools, local authorities and ITE institutions were asked about their use of this freely accessible resource, and this is noted in the appropriate chapters. Dyslexia Scotland is also working with the Scottish Government to look at the possibility of developing a standardised national Dyslexia Friendly School approach.

Other relevant aspects

The revised GTCS Standards for Full Registration; and the Scottish Teacher Education Committee (STEC) National Framework for Inclusion which has been refreshed to make sure it links directly with the revised GTCS standards.


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