Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration - 2025-2026 pay round: Scottish Government's written evidence

The Scottish Government's remit letter and written evidence document for the 2025 to 2026 pay round, submitted to the Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration (DDRB) review body for their consideration.

Remit letter

11 December 2024

Dear Mr Pilgrim,

I am writing to formally commence the 2025-26 pay round for Doctors and Dentists in Scotland.

The Scottish Government continues to value the independent review process, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the significant work that took place in producing the 2024-25 report and recommendations.

I wish to acknowledge that I am submitting this letter in full support of the elements of reform to the DDRB process that were agreed as part of the DHSC offer to Consultants in England in 2024-25.

In Scotland in 2023, we agreed a separate pay deal with Resident Doctors, and that deal includes a commitment to develop a pay bargaining system for Resident Doctors in Scotland, as well as a commitment to enter discussions to reform the Resident Doctors Contract. We remain committed to this agreement and will therefore not be seeking a recommendation for Resident Doctors.

Accordingly, the Scottish Government will provide a written evidence document, and we would be pleased to receive the DDRB views regarding a recommendation for 2025-26. This will be for all medical and dental staff in NHS Scotland, for medical and dental contractors in primary care, but not for Resident Doctors.

Copies of this letter will be sent to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the respective Ministers in the devolved governments as well as representatives of the Staff Side and NHS Employers.

Yours sincerely

Neil Gray



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