Scottish greenhouse gas emissions: 1990-2015

This publication provides estimates of greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland for the years 1990 to 2015.


1. The Baseline Period uses 1990 for carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide and 1995 for hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride and nitrogen trifluoride

2. IPCC's 4th Assessment Report:

3. The Kyoto Protocol allows Parties flexibility to choose either 1990 or 1995 as the base year for the industrial gases. Using a 1995 base year is in line with the approach adopted by the UK Government and many EU Member States.

4. Emissions of GHGs from offshore oil and gas exploration and production are classified within the Greenhouse Gas Inventory as "Unallocated" emissions and not attributed to any of the devolved administrations.



7. Unlike for other source sectors, downward changes to net emissions from forestry are presented as a positive percentage change. This is because forestry causes a net removal of emissions

8. Unlike for other source sectors, upward changes to net emissions from forestry are presented as a negative percentage change. This is because forestry causes a net removal of emissions

9. Source Met Office:



12. Carbon units that are counted as credits reduce the level of the NSEA compared with source emissions.

Carbon units that are counted as debits increase the level of the NSEA compared with source emissions.

13. The Climate Change (Annual Targets) (Scotland) Order 2010, SSI 2010 no. 359:

14. The Climate Change (Annual Targets) (Scotland) Order 2011, SSI 2011 no. 353:

15. The Climate Change (Limit on Carbon Units) (Scotland) Order 2010, SSI 2010 no. 217:

16. The Climate Change (Limit on Carbon Units) (Scotland) Order 2011, SSI 2011 no. 440:

17. Unlike for other source sectors, downwards revisions to net emissions from forestry are presented as a positive percentage change. This is because forestry causes a net removal of emissions.

18. Annex 1 countries are required to submit information on their national greenhouse gas inventories annually to the UNFCCC.


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