Scottish Health and Care Experience Survey 2015/16 - Technical Report

Scottish Health and Care Experience Survey 2015/16. This is a postal survey which was sent to a random sample of patients who were registered with a GP in Scotland in October 2015. This report contains details of the survey design and development.

2 Outputs from the Survey

2.1 This section provides more details of the range of outputs from the Health and Care Experience Survey 2015/16. As described above, in addition to the national report, there are local reports for individual GP practices, NHS Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships/Local Authorities and are available at:

GP practice reports

2.2 These reports contain local analyses for all questions in the survey. The results are compared to the Scottish weighted mean and to the equivalent figure from the last survey (where possible).

2.3 The first section of the report presents the top five results and bottom five results for the Practice. The top five questions are those with the highest per cent positive result. The bottom five are those questions with the highest per cent negative result. There is also a section summarising the results for some of the overarching questions from the survey.

2.4 The second section of the report presents results for the scored questions in the survey. Results are shown as the percentage of patients who answered each question positively. Bar charts show the percentage of patients answering positively as green (the darker green being very positive, the lighter green being positive), and the percentage negatively as red. Where answers are neither positive nor negative, the percentage is shown in yellow.

2.5 The results are compared to the Scottish weighted mean for 2015/16 and also with 2013/14 results for the same GP practice. Differences which are statistically significant are shown as "S" where the per cent positive score is significantly higher or lower than the comparison figure. Where a comparison has not been performed due to small numbers of responses in any category being compared this is denoted by " NT".

2.6 An example is shown below. In the example 71 per cent of patients from the GP practice responded positively, which is 12 percentage points lower than the national average. The "S" symbol shows that this difference is statistically significant. The change since the previous survey is also shown. In this case the positive score has decreased by four percentage points, but this change is not significant.

2.7 The next section presents tables of results for 'Information Questions' - questions that did not fit into the percentage positive format used elsewhere in the report.

2.8 The final section of the report provides full tables of results, including number of responses for each question.

NHS Board and Health and Social Care Partnership / Local Authority reports

2.9 The NHS Board and Health and Social Care Partnership / Local Authority (herein after referred to as Health and Social Care Partnership) reports are of a similar format to the GP practice results described above, but with an additional section showing variation in NHS Boards/Health and Social Care Partnerships.

2.10 For this section, the range of percentage positive results are shown as a grey bar from the lowest (on the left), to the highest (on the right). The Scottish average is shown as a blue line. The NHS Board/ Health and Social Care Partnership score is shown as a green bar. An example is shown below. In the example the highest performing area has a positive score of 87 per cent; the lowest performing area has a positive score of 78 per cent; the NHS Board/ Health and Social Care Partnership result is 80 per cent; and the national average is 82 per cent.

Supporting data

2.11 Spreadsheets showing more detailed results will be released on the Scottish Government website at:

Health Board and Local Authority level data are also available on

Online reporting system

2.12 The survey results are also available on an online reporting system that is accessible to GP practices, Health and Social Care Partnerships and NHS Boards.

2.13 The system allows users to view more detailed results and to benchmark GP practice results against demographically similar practices.

2.14 The system also displays the comments that patients left about their GP surgery, Out of Hours healthcare or the support that they receive. Details that could disclose the identity of a patient or member of staff were removed from the comments. Further information about this is available in section 6 of this report.


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