
The Scottish Health Survey 2008

The Scottish Health Survey 2008

2 DENTAL HEALTH - References and Notes

1. Action plan for improving oral health and modernising NHS dental services in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2005. [online] Available from:

2. Towards Better Oral Health in Children A Consultation Document on Children's Oral Health in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2002. [online] Available from:

3. Sugars can be classified according to their location within a food, intrinsic sugar is found within cells, extrinsic is outside the cell. The location influences the extent to which they are metabolised in the mouth and the speed of their absorption. Extrinsic sugars can be classified into two further types: milk sugars and non-milk sugars. The former are comprised mainly of lactose and have not been found to be associated with dental disease. The latter are of most concern in relation to dental health. They include fruit juice, honey, sugar in recipes and sugar added at the table.

4. Sheehy, C., McNeill, G., Masson, L., Craig, L., Macdiarmind, J., Holmes, B. and Nelson, M. (2008). Survey of Sugar Intake Among Children in Scotland. Aberdeen: Food Standards Agency Scotland. [online] Available from:

5. Better Health, Better Care Action Plan. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2007.

6. Equally Well - Report of the Ministerial Taskforce on Health Inequalities. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2008.

7. Gray, L. and Leyland, A. (2005). Volume 2: Adult health, Chapter 6: General Health, Psychosocial Health and Use of Services. In: Bromley, C., Sproston, K. and Shelton, N. (eds.). The Scottish Health Survey 2003. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.

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