
The Scottish Health Survey 2008

The Scottish Health Survey 2008

4 SMOKING - References

1. Health in Scotland 2004. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2005.

2. Health in Scotland 2006. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government, 2007.

3. White, B., Gordon, D., Haw, S., Fischbacher, C., Scott, N. and Harrison, R. (2007). An Atlas of Tobacco Smoking in Scotland. Glasgow: NHS Health Scotland / Scottish Public Health Observatory.

4. Health in Scotland 2007. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government, 2008.

5. Health in Scotland 2003. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2004.

6. Taulbut, M. and Gordon, D. (2007). Tobacco Smoking in Scotland: an epidemiology briefing, Glasgow: Scottish Public Health Observatory/ NHS Health Scotland.

7. Gruer, L., Hart, C.L., Gordon, D.S. and Watt, G.C. (2009). Effect of tobacco smoking on survival of men and women by social position: a 28 year cohort study. British Medical Journal. 338:b480.

8. Scotland's Future is Smoke-Free: A Smoking Prevention Action Plan. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2008.

9. Smoking Kills - A White Paper on Tobacco. London: The Stationery Office, 1998.

10. A Breath of Fresh Air for Scotland - Improving Scotland's Health: The Challenge. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2004.

11. Towards a Future Without Tobacco - The Report of the Smoking Prevention Working Group. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2006.

12. Ludbrook A, Bird S, van Teijlingen E. (2004). International Review of the Health and Economic Impact of the Regulation of Smoking in Public Places. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

13. Semple S., Maccalman, L., Naji, A. A., Dempsey, S., Hilton, S., Miller, B.G., et al. (2007). Bar workers' exposure to second-hand smoke: the effect of Scottish smoke-free legislation on occupational exposure. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. 51 (7), 571-80.

14. Pell, J. et al, (2008). Smoke-free legislation and hospitalizations for acute coronary syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine. 359 (5), 482-491.

15. Scottish Budget Spending Review 2007. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2007. see also:

16. Towards a Healthier Scotland: A White Paper on Health. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office Department of Health, 1999.

17. More details of the Scottish Household Survey are available from:

18. Better Health, Better Care Action Plan. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2007.

19. The HEAT targets derive their name from the four strands in the performance framework: the Health of the population; Efficiency and productivity, resources and workforce; Access to services and waiting times; and Treatment and quality of services.

20. Better Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke Care: A Consultation Document. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2008.

21. Equally Well - Report of the Ministerial Taskforce on Health Inequalities. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2008.

22. Delivering for Health. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2005.

23. Improving Health in Scotland: The Challenge. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2004.

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