
The Scottish Health Survey 2011 - volume 2: children

Annual report of the Scottish Health Survey for 2011. Volume focussing on child health.

Chapter 2 References and notes

1. ISD's preferred term for accidents is "unintentional injury" due to concerns that the term "accidents" underplays the preventable nature of many accidents. As SHeS used the term "accidents" in the 1998 and 2003 reports, and in the questionnaire asked of participants, this chapter will describe unintentional injuries as "accidents".

2. Information Services Division. (2010). Unintentional injuries; Admissions: Year ending 31 March 2010, Deaths: Year ending 31 December 2009, Edinburgh: NHS National Services Scotland

3. ISD statistics reported in Scholes, S. (2005) Chapter 7: Accidents in Bromley, C., Sproston, K. and Shelton, N. (Eds.) The Scottish Health Survey 2003 - Volume 3: Children Report, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

4. Pearson, J. and Stone. D. (2009). Pattern of injury mortality by age-group in children aged 0-14 years in Scotland, 2002-2006, and its implications for prevention. BMC Pediatrics. 9: 26.

5. Equally Well - Report of the Ministerial Taskforce on Health Inequalities, Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2008.

6. Children aged 13-15 were asked the questions directly, with a parent or guardian present. For children aged 0-12, a parent or guardian answered the questions, with the children themselves present.

7. 2002/03 ISD statistics reported in Scholes, S. (2005) Chapter 7: Accidents in Bromley, C., Sproston, K. and Shelton, N. (Eds.) The Scottish Health Survey 2003 - Volume 3: Children Report, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.


Email: Julie Ramsay

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