The Scottish Health Survey 2011 - volume 3: technical report

Annual Report of the Scottish Health Survey for 2011. Technical Report.

Table 1.2 Main sample household response, 2008-2011 combined, by Health Board

Selected addresses/eligible households 2008-2011 combined

Address and household outcome Health Board Total
Ayrshire & Arran Borders Dumfries and Galloway Fife Forth Valley Grampian Greater Glasgow & Clyde Highlands Lanark-shire Lothian Orkney Shetland Tayside Western Isles
Main samplea
Selected addresses 1785 1410 795 2811 1412 3580 7508 1604 2790 4731 828 743 1990 843 32830
Ineligible addresses type ab 134 162 93 255 119 340 756 253 183 449 114 74 178 144 3254
Addresses at which interview sought 1651 1248 702 2556 1293 3240 6752 1351 2607 4282 714 669 1812 699 29576
Extra households sampled at multi-household addresses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 4
Total eligible households 1651 1248 702 2556 1293 3240 6752 1351 2607 4285 714 669 1813 699 29580

Table 1.2 - Continued

Selected addresses/eligible households 2008-2011 combined

Address and household outcome Health Board Total
Ayrshire & Arran Borders Dumfries and Galloway Fife Forth Valley Grampian Greater Glasgow & Clyde Highlands Lanark-shire Lothian Orkney Shetland Tayside Western Isles
N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Household response
Co-operating householdsc 1090 66 867 71 517 74 1758 69 841 65 2099 65 3719 55 917 68 1646 63 2527 59 545 76 503 75 1231 68 537 77 18797 63
All interviewedd 911 55 684 55 426 61 1398 55 630 49 1602 49 2859 42 731 54 1195 46 1968 46 417 58 415 62 1018 56 431 61 14685 50
Fully co-operatinge 785 47 593 48 363 51 1232 48 520 40 1433 44 2331 35 632 47 990 38 1725 40 391 55 385 58 914 50 386 55 12680 43
Non-responding households 561 34 381 29 185 26 798 31 452 35 1140 35 3033 45 434 32 961 37 1758 41 169 24 165 25 582 32 162 23 10781 37
Non-contact - eligible 49 3 34 2 15 2 75 3 47 4 157 5 387 6 29 2 119 5 254 6 29 4 13 2 53 3 13 2 1274 4
Non-contact - unknown eligible 17 1 11 1 9 1 27 1 10 1 55 2 122 2 31 3 14 1 88 2 8 1 10 2 18 1 16 2 436 2
Refusal 357 22 267 21 136 19 518 20 320 25 671 21 1974 29 279 21 686 26 1170 27 85 12 92 14 373 21 76 11 7004 24
Other non response - eligible 137 8 65 4 24 3 176 7 73 6 254 8 535 8 88 6 138 5 232 5 45 6 50 7 134 7 55 8 2006 7
Other non-response - unknown eligibility 1 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 15 0 7 1 4 0 14 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 61 0

a This includes the Health Board boost household response
b Addresses where no private households were found
c Households where at least one person was interviewed
d All eligible household members were interviewed, but not all had height and weight measured or agreed to a nurse visit if eligible
e All eligible household members were interviewed, had height and weight measured and agreed to a nurse visit if eligible


Email: Julie Ramsay

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