
The Scottish Health Survey 2011 - volume 3: technical report

Annual Report of the Scottish Health Survey for 2011. Technical Report.


1. This is an edited documentation of the computer programmes used in the SHeS household, individual and nurse interviews. Instead of being numbered each question has a variable name; these are identified here in square brackets, e.g.: [varname].

2. Not all variables that appear here will be on the final data file (those that are not are marked with a '*'). Similarly, not all derived variables that will be on the data file are mentioned here. There will be a separate documentation of derived variables when the data is released.

3. Routing instructions appear above the questions. A routing instruction should be considered to stay in force until the next routing instruction.

4. Sections of text in brackets and italics were filled in as appropriate on the interviewers' and nurses' computers.

5. Individual codes marked 'EDIT ONLY' were used by the editors to reclassify 'other' answers and are not visible during the main interviews.

6. For some questions respondents could give a different answer to the main options they were presented with. Such answers are recorded verbatim and were examined during the editing process to see whether they could be 'back-coded' to one of the existing answer categories. These will not be available on the data file and have been indicated within this documentation with a '*'.

7. Some questions allowed respondents to give more than one answer (indicated within this documentation with the instruction: 'CODE ALL THAT APPLY'). In these cases each individual answer option will have its own variable name which is shown in square brackets to the right of the answer.

8. The symbol '$' has been used to flag CAPI questions which have been used in conjunction with Self-Complete questions to combine the answers into a separate derived variable.


Email: Julie Ramsay

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