Scottish Health Survey 2012 - Volume 2 Technical Report

Technical report accompanying the release of the 2012 Scottish Health Survey

Table 1.16 True standard errors and 95% confidence intervals for diet variables


% (p) / Mean Sample size (un-weighted) True standard error 95% confidence interval Design Factor
lower upper
Adult portions of fruit and veg
Men None 10.9 2126 0.84 9.4 12.7 1.29
Less than 1 portion 4.8 2126 0.68 3.6 6.3 1.54
1 portion or more but less than 2 20.7 2126 1.07 18.7 22.9 1.27
2 portions or more but less than 3 18.4 2126 1.02 16.5 20.5 1.27
3 portions or more but less than 4 14.6 2126 1.03 12.7 16.8 1.40
4 portions or more but less than 5 11.2 2126 0.83 9.7 12.9 1.27
5 portions or more 19.4 2126 1.05 17.4 21.6 1.27
Mean portions 3.0 2126 0.08 2.9 3.2 1.49
Women None 8.9 2686 0.73 7.6 10.5 1.28
Less than 1 portion 3.8 2686 0.43 3.0 4.7 1.13
1 portion or more but less than 2 17.6 2686 0.96 15.8 19.6 1.26
2 portions or more but less than 3 20.1 2686 0.96 18.3 22.1 1.19
3 portions or more but less than 4 17.0 2686 0.84 15.4 18.8 1.12
4 portions or more but less than 5 11.6 2686 0.74 10.2 13.1 1.15
5 portions or more 21.0 2686 0.83 19.4 22.7 1.02
Mean portions 3.2 2686 0.05 3.1 3.3 1.16
Child portions of fruit and veg
Boys None 12.4 761 1.52 9.7 15.6 1.30
Less than 1 portion 5.5 761 0.90 4.0 7.6 1.11
1 portion or more but less than 2 21.6 761 1.69 18.5 25.1 1.15
2 portions or more but less than 3 23.3 761 1.63 20.3 26.7 1.08
3 portions or more but less than 4 16.6 761 1.42 13.9 19.5 1.08
4 portions or more but less than 5 8.8 761 1.10 6.9 11.2 1.10
5 portions or more 11.9 761 1.48 9.3 15.1 1.29
Mean portions 2.5 761 0.09 2.3 2.7 1.30
Girls None 9.0 784 1.21 6.9 11.6 1.16
Less than 1 portion 2.2 784 0.59 1.3 3.7 1.09
1 portion or more but less than 2 19.4 784 1.54 16.5 22.6 1.07
2 portions or more but less than 3 23.2 784 1.65 20.1 26.6 1.07
3 portions or more but less than 4 18.0 784 1.48 15.3 21.1 1.06
4 portions or more but less than 5 14.7 784 1.50 12.0 17.9 1.16
5 portions or more 13.5 784 1.43 10.9 16.6 1.15
Mean portions 2.9 784 0.09 2.7 3.1 1.17


Email: Julie Landsberg

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