
Scottish Health Survey 2014 - volume 1: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2014, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Table 9.8 Summary of child eating habits, 2012/2013/2014 combined, by area deprivation and sex

Aged 16 and over 2012/2013/2014 combined
Food type and frequency Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
5th (Least
4th 3rd 2nd 1st (Most
% % % % %
Oily fish once a week or more 25 18 15 11 13
White fish once a week or more 59 59 55 51 53
Tuna fish once a week or more 24 26 19 25 29
Red meata 2+ times a week 62 65 54 57 55
Meat productsb 2+ times a week 34 41 48 51 52
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 62 62 61 54 48
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 45 49 56 56 56
Biscuits once a day or more 42 37 39 37 34
Cakes 2+ times a week 44 33 36 28 26
Ice-cream once a week or more 48 50 50 53 53
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 32 35 42 45 45
Crisps once a day or more 29 34 37 40 46
Chips 2+ times a week 30 37 44 52 51
Potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 59 53 45 45 43
At least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 45 37 34 34 25
High fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5‑6 times a week 39 33 30 23 23
Oily fish once a week or more 21 19 16 12 8
White fish once a week or more 54 54 52 45 45
Tuna fish once a week or more 27 31 30 32 33
Red meata 2+ times a week 55 59 55 58 57
Meat productsb 2+ times a week 24 26 27 38 48
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 67 64 60 54 48
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 39 46 48 52 59
Biscuits once a day or more 27 33 33 36 27
Cakes 2+ times a week 33 40 35 23 32
Ice-cream once a week or more 51 52 51 48 56
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 28 34 36 44 46
Crisps once a day or more 24 32 32 42 49
Chips 2+ times a week 26 32 38 46 47
Potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 66 56 56 52 48
At least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 33 30 34 28 23
High fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5‑6 times a week 30 28 24 23 23
All children
Oily fish once a week or more 23 18 15 11 11
White fish once a week or more 57 57 53 48 49
Tuna fish once a week or more 25 28 25 29 31
Red meata 2+ times a week 58 62 54 58 56
Meat productsb 2+ times a week 29 34 37 44 50
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 65 63 60 54 48
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 42 48 52 54 58
Biscuits once a day or more 34 35 36 36 31
Cakes 2+ times a week 39 36 35 26 28
Ice-cream once a week or more 49 51 50 50 54
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 30 34 39 44 45
Crisps once a day or more 27 33 35 41 47
Chips 2+ times a week 28 35 41 49 49
Potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 62 54 50 49 45
At least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 39 34 34 31 24
High fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5‑6 times a week 35 31 27 23 23
Bases (weighted):
Boys 450 486 460 447 532
Girls 442 440 464 459 466
All children 892 926 924 906 997
Bases (unweighted):
Boys 437 491 454 433 497
Girls 451 466 467 443 449
All children 888 957 921 876 946

a for example beef, lamb or pork
b for example sausages, meat pies, bridies, corned beef, or burgers


Email: Julie Landsberg

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