
Scottish Health Survey 2014 - volume 1: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2014, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Table 3.9 Estimated odds ratios for quitting smoking, 2014

Former and current smokers aged 16 and over 2014
Independent variablesa Men Women
Base (weighted) Odds ratio 95% CIa Base (weighted) Odds ratio 95% CIa
1017 1063
Age   (p<0.001)         (p<0.001)    
16-34 239 1.00 229 1.00
35-44 144 1.89 0.99 , 3.61 180 1.17 0.70 , 1.95
45-54 192 1.80 0.96 , 3.35 219 1.23 0.74 , 2.03
55-64 182 2.60 1.35 , 4.99 168 1.77 1.03 , 3.03
65-74 152 7.32 3.31 , 16.16 157 5.07 2.43 , 10.54
75+ 108 25.63 9.68 , 67.88 110 6.56 2.80 , 15.37
Equivalised Income (p=0.015) (p=0.124)
1st (highest) 152 1.00 143 1.00
2nd 180 0.91 0.48 , 1.73 152 0.99 0.54 , 1.83
3rd 189 1.29 0.70 , 2.38 168 0.94 0.52 , 1.70
4th 149 0.46 0.24 , 0.88 216 0.84 0.45 , 1.55
5th (lowest) 184 0.55 0.26 , 1.17 221 0.50 0.27 , 0.92
Missing 163 1.03 0.55 , 1.95 164 0.67 0.35 , 1.26
SIMD (p=0.027) (p=0.036)
1 (least deprived) 166 1.00 162 1.00
2 189 1.31 0.74 , 2.34 203 0.92 0.51 , 1.67
3 193 1.15 0.65 , 2.04 187 0.89 0.52 , 1.52
4 239 1.16 0.64 , 2.12 269 0.63 0.37 , 1.07
5 (Most deprived) 231 0.59 0.32 1.09 243 0.50 0.28 , 0.90
Economic statusb (p=0.003) (p=0.190)
In employment 545 1.00 504 1.00
In education 38 1.72 0.58 , 5.14 32 0.97 0.38 , 2.47
Unemployed 74 0.22 0.09 , 0.56 46 0.40 0.17 , 0.92
Other 361 0.64 0.38 , 1.08 481 0.87 0.59 , 1.30
Highest educational qualification (p=0.103) (p=0.031)
Degree or higher 241 1.00 231 1.00
HNC/D or equivalent 105 1.00 0.53 , 1.86 124 0.84 0.50 , 1.42
Higher grade or equivalent 175 1.18 0.63 , 2.21 160 0.86 0.48 , 1.56
Standard grade or equivalent 214 0.74 0.45 , 1.24 229 0.51 0.32 , 0.82
Other school level 51 0.45 0.21 , 0.99 73 0.47 0.24 , 0.95
No qualifications 232 0.54 0.31 , 0.92 247 0.48 0.29 , 0.81
Marital status (p<0.001) (p=0.006)
Married / civil partnership 489 1.00 444 1.00
Living as married 151 0.58 0.34 , 0.99 160 0.67 0.41 , 1.11
Single 217 0.51 0.29 , 0.90 193 0.40 0.25 , 0.66
Separated from married or civil partner
/ divorced / dissolved civil partnership
100 0.29 0.16 , 0.51 145 0.60 0.39 , 0.92
Widowed / surviving civil partner 59 0.60 0.29 , 1.27 121 0.69 0.39 , 1.21
Estimated usual weekly alcohol consumption levelc (p=0.046) (p=0.274)
Moderate / non-drinker 724 1.00 844 1.00
Hazardous / Harmful 293 0.66 0.44 , 0.99 219 0.79 0.51 , 1.21
BMI (kg / m2)d (p=0.018) (p=0.004)
Less than 25 258 1.00 306 1.00
25 to less than 30 380 1.13 0.72 , 1.79 270 1.23 0.84 , 1.80
30 and over 229 2.14 1.28 , 3.60 294 1.82 1.21 , 2.73
Missing 149 1.04 0.54 , 2.00 193 0.91 0.58 , 1.43

a Confidence interval
b In employment includes those in full- or part-time work, those who are self-employed, and those on a government training scheme; unemployed refers to those who are unemployed and looking for work; other includes others who are not in the labour force, such as those who are retired, looking after the home or family, and those who are unable to work because of a long-term illness or disability
c Moderate / non-drinker up to 21 units for men / 14 units for women; Hazardous / harmful: more than 21 units for men / 14 units for women
d 25 and over = overweight / obese / morbidly obese; 30 and over is obese / morbidly obese


Email: Julie Landsberg

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