
Scottish Health Survey 2014 - volume 1: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2014, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Table 5.1 Proportion of children meeting physical activity guideline, (including and excluding school), 1998 to 2014

Aged 2 - 15 1998 to 2014
Proportion meeting guidelinea 1998 2003 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
% % % % % % % % %
Excluding activity at school 72 74 72 69 68 69 66 70 73
Including activity at school n/a n/a 77 75 75 76 73 78 79
Excluding activity at school 59 63 56 58 62 62 58 64 67
Including activity at school n/a n/a 64 66 70 70 68 72 73
All Children
Excluding activity at school 65 69 64 64 65 65 62 67 70
Including activity at school n/a n/a 71 71 72 73 70 75 76
Bases (weighted):
Boys 1088 1478 776 1142 784 867 791 825 735
Girls 1032 1424 721 1096 743 830 748 777 711
All children 2120 2903 1497 2237 1527 1697 1539 1602 1446
Bases (unweighted):
Boys 1972 1428 750 1142 811 841 753 815 723
Girls 1881 1444 737 1085 694 826 774 753 721
All children 3853 2872 1487 2227 1505 1667 1527 1568 1444

a At least 60 minutes of activity on all 7 days in previous week
b Children aged 2-3 were not asked about school activities, children aged 4 were included if they had started school


Email: Julie Landsberg

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