
Scottish Health Survey 2014 - volume 1: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2014, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Table 5.6 Adult summary activity levels, 2014, by age and sex

Aged 16 and over 2014
Summary activity levela Age Total
16-24b 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
% % % % % % % %
Meets MVPA guidelines 79 82 76 66 60 59 32 68
Some activity 12 6 8 9 14 9 11 10
Low activity 3 3 3 4 5 6 3 4
Very low activity 6 9 13 21 21 26 54 19
Meets MVPA guidelines 64 76 70 65 58 44 22 59
Some activity 11 10 10 12 11 17 15 12
Low activity 5 2 4 5 5 6 7 5
Very low activity 21 12 17 18 25 33 56 24
All Adults
Meets MVPA guidelines 71 79 73 66 59 51 26 63
Some activity 11 8 9 10 13 14 13 11
Low activity 4 3 3 4 5 6 5 4
Very low activity 13 10 15 19 23 30 56 22
Bases (weighted):
Men 320 356 353 416 345 263 173 2225
Women 314 373 379 435 363 294 253 2411
All adults 634 729 732 851 708 557 426 4636
Bases (unweighted):
Men 202 249 303 358 356 360 226 2054
Women 232 335 421 427 434 419 313 2581
All adults 434 584 724 785 790 779 539 4635

a Meets moderate / vigorous physical activity (MVPA) guidelines: at least 150 minutes of moderately intensive physical activity or 75 minutes vigorous activity per week or an equivalent combination of both. Some activity: 60-149 minutes of moderate activity or 30-74 minutes of vigorous activity or an equivalent combination of these. Low activity: 30-59 minutes of moderate activity or 15-29 minutes of vigorous activity or an equivalent combination of these. Very low activity: Less than 30 minutes of moderate activity or less than 15 minutes of vigorous activity or an equivalent combination of these
b Physical activity guidelines for those aged 16-18 are at least one hour of moderate or vigorous activity each day. As SHeS participants of that age were given the adult questionnaire, which does not ask separately about each day, they have been included in this table assessed against the adult criteria


Email: Julie Landsberg

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