
Scottish Health Survey 2014 - volume 1: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2014, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Table 5.10 Influence of Commonwealth games on participation, 2014, by age and presence of long-term condition

Aged 16 and over 2014
Perceived influence of Commonwealth Games Age Total
16-44 45-64 65+
% % % %
Limiting long-term condition
I have taken up a new sport - 0 - 0
I am thinking about taking up a new sport 4 0 - 1
I am doing more sport or physical activity 3 0 - 1
I am thinking about doing more sport or physical activity 9 2 1 3
I am more interested in sport and physical activity in general 6 3 2 3
Non-limiting long-term condition
I have taken up a new sport - 1 - 0
I am thinking about taking up a new sport 1 - - 1
I am doing more sport or physical activity 0 - - 0
I am thinking about doing more sport or physical activity 4 5 1 4
I am more interested in sport and physical activity in general 3 4 3 4
No long-term condition
I have taken up a new sport 0 0 - 0
I am thinking about taking up a new sport 3 1 - 2
I am doing more sport or physical activity 3 1 1 2
I am thinking about doing more sport or physical activity 4 3 1 4
I am more interested in sport and physical activity in general 9 7 5 8
All adults
I have taken up a new sport 0 1 - 0
I am thinking about taking up a new sport 3 1 - 1
I am doing more sport or physical activity 2 0 0 1
I am thinking about doing more sport or physical activity 5 3 1 4
I am more interested in sport and physical activity in general 8 5 3 6
Bases (weighted):
Limiting long-term condition 166 233 227 626
Non-limiting long-term condition 114 109 83 306
No long-term condition 659 360 129 1148
All adults 939 702 439 2080
Bases (unweighted):
Limiting longstanding illness 130 257 312 699
Non-limiting longstanding illness 84 119 113 316
No longstanding illness 501 387 176 1064
All adults 715 763 602 2080


Email: Julie Landsberg

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