Scottish Health Survey 2014 - volume 2: technical report

Presents information on the methodology and fieldwork for the Scottish Health Survey 2014.

Table 1.4 Summary of adults' individual response to the survey, by sex

Estimated adult sample ('set' of adults aged 16 and over)a 2014
Individual response Men Women All adults
N % N % N %
Interviewed 2069 53 2590 59 4659 56
Non responding
In co-operating households 435 11 210 5 645 8
In non-responding households 1434 36 1604 36 3038 36
Height 1810 46 2262 51 4072 49
Weight 1785 45 2229 51 4014 48
Eligible for biological moduleb 852 22 982 22 1834 22
Completed biological module 563 40 741 46 1304 43
Waistc 546 39 713 44 1259 42
Blood pressured 547 39 702 43 1249 41
Saliva 529 38 675 42 1204 40
Urine 491 35 623 39 1114 37
Set sample: all main and boost adults 3938 4404 8342
Set sample: biological module 1402 1616 3018

a For the method of estimating the adult 'set' sample, see Section 1.6.3. Estimated bases have been rounded

b A sub-sample of main sample addresses was flagged as biological module addresses. At these addresses all adults who participated in the stage 1 interview were eligible to take part in the biological module. There were no biological modules in the Health Board boost sample

c 2 valid measurements obtained

d 3 valid readings obtained


Email: Julie Landsberg

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