Scottish Health Survey 2015 - volume 1: main report

Findings and trends of the Scottish Health Survey 2015, providing information on the health of people living in Scotland.

Table 7.6 Proportion of children participating in sport, 1998 to 2015

Aged 2-15 1998 to 2015
Participation in any sport during last week 1998 2003 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
  % % % % % % % % % %
Yes 72 74 74 76 73 72 67 71 68 69
No 28 26 26 24 27 28 33 29 32 31
Yes 65 69 67 70 67 67 65 63 65 66
No 35 31 33 30 33 33 35 37 35 34
All children
Yes 69 72 71 73 70 69 66 67 67 68
No 31 28 29 27 30 31 34 33 33 32
Bases (weighted):
Boys 1096 1514 790 1155 794 878 802 830 742 627
Girls 1046 1448 736 1110 763 838 759 788 720 627
All children 2142 2961 1526 2265 1556 1716 1561 1617 1462 1254
Bases (unweighted):
Boys 1987 1462 763 1156 823 853 763 819 729 635
Girls 1905 1467 752 1102 711 835 784 762 730 612
All children 3892 2929 1515 2258 1534 1688 1547 1581 1459 1247


Email: Julie Landsberg,

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