Scottish Health Survey 2015 - volume 2: technical report

Details of the methodology and fieldwork for the Scottish Health Survey 2015.

Table 1.8 Children in responding households, response to the stages of the survey by age and sex

Eligible boys and girls in responding households 2015
Individual response Age Total
0-1 2-4 5-6 7-10 11-15
% % % % % %
Interviewed (0 to 15) 99 99 99 97 91 96
Not contacted/refused 1 1 1 3 9 4
Height (2-15)
Measured n/a 77 84 80 72 78
Refused 5 4 6 7 6
Measurement not attempted 12 9 9 11 10
Not contacted/not obtained a 5 3 5 9 6
Weight (2-15)
Measured n/a 79 84 81 73 78
Refused 6 5 6 7 6
Measurement not attempted 12 8 8 10 10
Not contacted/not obtained a 3 3 6 9 6
Interviewed (0 to 15) 96 99 98 98 93 97
Not contacted/refused 4 1 2 2 7 3
Height (2-15)
Measured n/a 71 75 75 74 74
Refused 8 5 7 10 8
Measurement not attempted 15 18 16 7 13
Not contacted/not obtained a 6 2 2 8 6
Weight (2-15)
Measured n/a 73 77 75 70 73
Refused 11 4 7 12 9
Measurement not attempted 13 16 16 10 13
Not contacted/not obtained a 4 3 2 8 5
All eligible boys in co-operating households 101 146 100 212 206 765
All eligible boys aged 2-15 in co-operating households 146 100 212 206 664
All eligible girls in co-operating households 76 157 99 167 210 709
All eligible girls aged 2-15 in co-operating households 157 99 167 210 633

a Includes non-responders to interview as well as those refusing measurements


Email: Julie Landsberg,

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