
Scottish Health Survey 2015 - volume 2: technical report

Details of the methodology and fieldwork for the Scottish Health Survey 2015.

Appendix B: Measurement Protocols

Manual of Protocols for Bio-physical Measurements and Samples used by NatCen Social Research

September 2014


1 How to use this Manual

2 Points to Note before starting
2.1 Consent
2.2 Exclusion criteria and eligibility
2.3 General equipment care
2.4 Infection Control and Manual Handling Issues
2.5 Recording measurements
2.6 Participant feedback

3 Height Measurement
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Exclusion criteria
3.3 Equipment
3.3.1 Caring for the stadiometer
3.3.2 Assembling the stadiometer
3.3.3 Dismantling the stadiometer
3.4 Procedure for adults
3.5 Procedure for children (2-15)
3.6 Additional points

4 Weight Measurement
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Exclusion criteria
4.3 Equipment
4.3.1 Calibrating the scales
4.3.2 Technical faults
4.4 Procedure for adults
4.5 Procedure for children

5 Waist Circumference
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Exclusion criteria
5.3 Equipment
5.4 Preparing the Participant
5.5 Procedure
5.6 Additional points

6 Waist and Hip Circumferences - Use guidelines for 'Easy Check Circumference' tape measure

7 Blood Pressure
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Exclusion criteria
7.3 Equipment
7.3.1 Using the Omron HEM 907
7.3.2 Charging the battery
7.3.3 Technical faults/error readings
7.4 Preparing the Participant
7.4.1 Selecting the correct cuff
7.5 Procedure
7.6 Participant feedback
7.6.1 Adult Participants
7.7 Action to be taken after the visit
7.7.1 Adults

8 Saliva
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Exclusion criteria
8.3 Consent
8.4 Preparing the Participant
8.5 Procedure One - dribbling into tube
8.5.1 Equipment
8.5.2 Procedure
8.6 Procedure Two - using a salivette with cotton swab
8.6.1 Equipment
8.6.2 Procedure

9 Spot Urine
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Exclusion criteria
9.3 Consent
9.4 Equipment
9.5 Preparing the Participant
9.5.1 Urine sample syringe instructions
9.6 Procedure

10 Contacts

11 Useful NatCen Reference Guides

List of tables

Table 1 Troubleshooting for the scale
Table 2 Troubleshooting for the Omron HEM 907
Table 3 Definition of blood pressure ratings
Table 4 Action due to blood pressure readings
Table 5 Compounds in urine analysis

List of figures

Figure 1 The stadiometer
Figure 2 The Frankfort Plane
Figure 3 The Omron HEM 907 monitor
Figure 4 Charging the battery
Figure 5 'A': An assembled salivette; 'B': The various components


Email: Julie Landsberg,

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