
Scottish Health Survey 2017 - volume one: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2017, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

References and notes

1. World Health Organization (2013). Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. Available from:

2. World Health Organization (2017), Mental Health Atlas. Available from:

3. World Health Organization (2009). Mental health, resilience and inequalities. Available from:

4. World Health Organization (2003). Investing in Mental Health. Available from:

5. Mental Health Strategy: 2017-2027 (2017) Edinburgh: Scottish Government Available from:

6. World Health Organization (2018) Depression Fact Sheet. Available from:

7. World Health Organization (2017). Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders. Available from:

8. Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (2009). No Health Without Mental Health. Available from:

9. Mental Health: Inequality Briefing, Health Scotland, 2017. Available from:

10. Audit Scotland (2012). Health Inequalities in Scotland. Available from:

11. See:

12. Edinburgh: Scottish Government (2017) Mental Health Strategy: 2017-2027. Available from:

13. Fairer Scotland Action Plan. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2016. Available from:

14. Mental Health: Inequality Briefing, Health Scotland, 2017. Available from:

15. Couper S, Mackie P. (2016) Polishing the diamonds. Addressing adverse childhood experiences in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Public Health Network (ScotPHN). Available from:

16. Edinburgh: Scottish Government (2017) A Nation with Ambition: The Government's Programme for Scotland 2017-18. Available from: /publications/nation-ambition-governments-programme-scotland-2017-18/

17. The National Performance Framework is described here:

18. See:

19. Langan J, Mercer S, W, Smith, D, J. (2013) Multimorbidity and Mental Health: Can Psychiatry Rise to the Challenge? The British Journal of Psychiatry 202: 391-393.

20. See:

21. Scotland's Mental Health: Adults 2012. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland, 2012. Available from:

22. NHS Health Scotland / ScotPHO (2013). Scotland's Mental Health: children and young people 2013. Available from:

23. See:

24. Further information about WEMWBS is available here:

25. Stewart-Brown, S and Janmohamed, K (2008). Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS). User Guide Version 1. Warwick and Edinburgh: University of Warwick and NHS Health Scotland. Available from:

26. The translation was carried out solely to ensure that speakers of other languages were not excluded from the Scottish Health Survey. There were insufficient numbers of non-English speaking people in the sample to enable comparisons of their health with the rest of the population. As the primary intention was to prevent the exclusion of people due to language barriers, the translated WEMWBS questions were not subject to the full extent of validation that would need to take place if the questionnaire was being used to assess wellbeing in a whole population of non-English speakers. It is therefore possible that the translated WEMWBS scale (and other questions in the survey) is not directly comparable to the English version. However, the number of interviews that used translated materials was judged to be too small to affect the national estimates presented here so all cases have been included in the analysis.

27. See:

28. NHS Health Scotland (2012) Establishing a core set of national, sustainable mental health indicators for children and young people in Scotland: Final Report. Available from:

29. Goldberg, D and Williams, PA (1988). A User's Guide to the General Health Questionnaire. Windsor: NFER-Nelson.

30. Lewis, G. & Pelosi, A. J. (1990). Manual of the Revised Clinical Interview Schedule CIS–R. London: Institute of Psychiatry; Lewis G, Pelosi AJ, Araya R, Dunn G. (1992) Measuring psychiatric disorder in the community; a standardised assessment for use by lay interviewers. Psychological Medicine; 22, 465-486.

31. The nurse interview is conducted with one adult at a time, whereas the main interview can be conducted concurrently with up to four household members present. It was therefore easier to ensure that these questions could be answered in confidence. Nurses were also thought to be better placed to handle very sensitive topics such as these than interviewers conducting a general health survey who would have required additional specialist briefing. A leaflet with various help lines was handed to all participants in the nurse visit. From 2012, these questions are included in the biological module of the survey, conducted by specially trained interviewers, and will be completed by participants using a self-completion computer aided questionnaire.

32. See:

33. See:

34. NHS Health Scotland, Glasgow (2007). Establishing a Core Set of National, Sustainable Mental Health Indicators for Adults in Scotland: Final Report. Available from:


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