
Scottish Health Survey 2017 - volume one: main report

Presents results for the Scottish Health Survey 2017, providing information on the health and factors relating to health of people living in Scotland.

Table 2.12 WEMWBS mean score, 2015/2017 combined, by social capital and sex

Aged 16 and over 2015/2017 combined
Social Capital WEMWBS Mean Score WEMWBS SE WEMWBS Standard Deviation Weighted Bases Unweighted Bases
General trust in others
Most people can be trusted 51.9 0.30 7.30 913 885
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 47.8 0.47 9.12 752 640
It depends on people/circumstance 49.1 0.87 8.57 125 128
Trust in the local neighbourhood
Most people can be trusted 51.3 0.30 7.78 1056 1064
Some can be trusted 48.8 0.56 8.43 402 324
A few can be trusted 47.8 0.75 9.56 212 163
No-one can be trusted 43.4 1.20 9.25 72 57
Just moved here * * * 26 24
How involved do you feel in the local community?
A great deal 52.9 1.10 8.50 79 90
A fair amount 52.0 0.45 7.41 355 383
Not very much 50.2 0.40 8.11 810 743
Not at all 47.9 0.53 9.01 545 437
I can influence decisions affecting my local area
Agree/strongly agree 52.0 0.45 7.48 369 368
Neutral 50.9 0.41 8.08 566 533
Disagree/strongly disagree 48.5 0.39 8.61 813 707
Don't know [47.7] [1.71] [11.40] 43 47
How often do you contact friends, relatives or neighbours?
Most days 50.8 0.33 8.40 1056 977
Once or twice a week 49.4 0.41 8.11 541 515
Once or twice a month 48.8 1.00 8.32 106 94
Less than once a month 46.2 1.53 8.68 60 50
Never * * * 28 18
How many people could you turn to for support in a crisis?
0 * * * 14 15
1-5 48.6 0.42 8.94 868 792
6-10 51.3 0.38 7.65 646 588
11-14 51.4 0.97 8.13 78 80
15+ 51.9 0.60 6.93 181 172
General trust in others
Most people can be trusted 51.9 0.26 7.53 977 1059
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 47.4 0.38 9.28 825 849
It depends on people/circumstance 49.4 0.76 8.68 143 148
Trust in the local neighbourhood
Most people can be trusted 51.1 0.24 8.05 1184 1332
Some can be trusted 49.1 0.47 8.56 410 395
A few can be trusted 45.9 0.69 9.74 231 216
No-one can be trusted [43.8] [1.71] [10.62] 47 47
Just moved here [49.7] [1.65] [8.77] 39 35
How involved do you feel in the local community?
A great deal 53.4 0.97 9.47 90 116
A fair amount 51.5 0.34 7.57 513 583
Not very much 49.9 0.30 8.18 848 894
Not at all 47.3 0.49 9.69 495 464
I can influence decisions affecting my local area
Agree/strongly agree 51.8 0.47 8.64 427 466
Neutral 50.7 0.31 7.62 593 643
Disagree/strongly disagree 48.2 0.35 8.91 859 878
Don't know 50.9 1.21 10.35 68 71
How often do you contact friends, relatives or neighbours?
Most days 50.3 0.25 8.55 1544 1633
Once or twice a week 48.3 0.50 8.55 344 364
Once or twice a month [48.4] [1.51] [8.69] 33 34
Less than once a month * * * 18 19
Never * * * 8 8
How many people could you turn to for support in a crisis?
0 * * * 9 11
1-5 48.0 0.34 8.90 865 923
6-10 51.1 0.30 7.99 751 769
11-14 51.1 0.92 7.29 69 87
15+ 52.5 0.54 7.96 247 263
All adults
General trust in others
Most people can be trusted 51.9 0.21 7.42 1890 1944
Can't be too careful in dealing with people 47.6 0.32 9.20 1577 1489
It depends on people/circumstance 49.3 0.59 8.61 268 276
Trust in the local neighbourhood
Most people can be trusted 51.2 0.20 7.92 2240 2396
Some can be trusted 48.9 0.37 8.49 812 719
A few can be trusted 46.8 0.53 9.69 443 379
No-one can be trusted 43.6 1.02 9.77 119 104
Just moved here 49.9 1.25 7.97 65 59
How involved do you feel in the local community?
A great deal 53.2 0.75 9.01 170 206
A fair amount 51.7 0.28 7.50 868 966
Not very much 50.1 0.26 8.14 1658 1637
Not at all 47.6 0.39 9.34 1039 901
I can influence decisions affecting my local area
Agree/strongly agree 51.9 0.35 8.12 796 834
Neutral 50.8 0.27 7.85 1159 1176
Disagree/strongly disagree 48.3 0.28 8.77 1673 1585
Don't know 49.6 1.04 10.82 111 118
How often do you contact friends, relatives or neighbours?
Most days 50.5 0.21 8.49 2600 2610
Once or twice a week 49.0 0.34 8.30 884 879
Once or twice a month 48.7 0.81 8.38 140 128
Less than once a month 45.2 1.39 10.22 78 69
Never * * * 36 26
How many people could you turn to for support in a crisis?
0 * * * 23 26
1-5 48.3 0.29 8.92 1733 1715
6-10 51.2 0.25 7.83 1398 1357
11-14 51.2 0.72 7.72 147 167
15+ 52.2 0.43 7.54 428 435


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